To all people sharing content bordering on CP or any doubtful legality
Like "Deltakappa10" or others like them
Most of us, who were here since many years, and even before that. Back on the
This was supposed to be a safe space for us all. Kind and fragile souls. Some of us who suffered abuse. Physical, mental or sexual alike.
I don't feel safe here. Not anymore.
I'd like to everyone sharing my concerns to repost that.
Thank you.
Reposted from mtsen via djlangley
Consider flagging the post, then moving on, leaving it to admin do deal with the post, and not becoming a vigilante, slandering the suspect poster, posting inflammatory post like this one, and becoming a self-righteous judge and jury on what constitutes illegal posts.
@reason1 or maybe Deltakappa10-clone you won't fool anyone here. Besides your pathetic excuses for posting photos of kids makes me want to vomit.
You won't have anyone agreeing with you here. Your every word trying to justify anything just makes us sick. Don't follow us, don't comment us. Don't provoke us. Just leave. And never come back.
World without people like you would simply be a better place.
@reason1 i reported your profile to the world organization against pedophilia.
they replied that my concerns about the photos you posted were justified.
@djangley, Thanks!
Regardless what you say, you're a small group of malcontents, apparently under-educated, that are insisting on purviewing innocent depictions of anyone under 18 years of age out of context and in a sexual manner with no regard for actual content, which makes your motives all suspect. Sadly, none of you are intelligent enough to understand that. It's embarrassing. (djlangley - your a joke)
thank you.