and after all those years

he was still this boy

felt like he’d never really been anyone else

but this 15, maybe 16 years old boy

not knowing what to do with his life

always trying to play it cool

never really playing anything

but music

as if it was his fuel

that kept his engine running

just like that rabbit from the TV ads from his childhood


now he was walking late evening through the city

which seemed to prepare for dinner all along


powered by this very fuel of his

the late evening breeze in his hair

the late evening lights in his face

the late evening scents in his nose

walking past the already sleeping homeless

walking past the last stores still opened


the people crossing his way were as versatile as the city itself

riding on their bike

driving in their car

some waiting for the traffic lights to turn green again

others were simply walking past him

on their way home

maybe also to meet their friends to enjoy their bit of free time


he saw them standing on the street

outside of bars

or when he looked through the windows of still opened restaurants

sitting there

eating their meal

smoking their cigarettes

checking their phones

drinking their beer

deepened in their thoughts

or chatter with friends

everyone wrapped in their own tiny world

just as he was

he saw couples playfully chuckling

wrapped in each others arms

reminding him of the lost

and the beauties of life equally

he couldn't help but to smile a slight almost not perceivable but deeply warm and genuine smile as he watched them


to be able to experience this himself at least once more again


hoping for the strings to tune in again eventually

while walking through his melodies

this boy

this music fueled boy

Reposted from midnightmind via hormeza